UAE Pupils Learn About Blockchain to Prepare for the Job Market

UAE Pupils Learn About Blockchain to Prepare for the Job Market

United Arab Emirates – Several schools in the United Arab Emirates or UAE brought in classes about blockchain, as well as digital currencies and other developing technology fields, to ready the pupils for the future job market.

High on the program will make kids fully informed of the probabilities and prospective drawbacks of the metaverse.

The metaverse is envisioned as a new virtual world where someone has a 3D avatar. This avatar will represent itself as it uses a virtual reality or a VR headset to go to work and concerts and get access to different services.

According to Tracy Moxley from Citizens School, they assure that the students have a virtual mindset, which includes understanding financial learning, NFTs, virtual assets, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. It will contribute to their complexity once they reach high school.

As per Repton Al Barsha’s principal, Gillian Hammond, advocating online safety is the key. When the students explore the metaverse, there are many participants. They have to make sure their pupils are virtual citizens, and they should know how to be secure online, along with understanding the longevity of their posts online.

Hammond also said that they educated their students that other things don’t have to appear online, and they should also not share names, locations, or pictures.

Hammond stated that the school performed closely with their students’ parents to talk about the restrictions that should be there when children become online at home and when they use devices like laptops, iPads, and mobile phones.

The school is enthusiastic about quickly advancing technologies aside from focusing on safety. It sets aside an hour weekly in the timetable to discover blockchain, game design, and NFTs or non-fungible tokens.

Hammond stated that the school and a group of schools discovered blockchain as the future tech. They all intend to lead the space by increasing awareness among the teachers, pupils, and parents. They want their students to appreciate and know what blockchain is and NFTs. They even had students in the fourth to sixth year who were part of a game design.

Hammond also shared that they provide computer lessons to all students. As early as the first grade, they already teach pupils about coding and computer science.

The school introduced a virtual passport last year for all students with the support of a blockchain provider. Students from FS1 to Year 13 will have a virtual record of the journey at their school. They can share exam records safely and verify these documents easily.

The school produced a sequence of records to instruct the community about the advantages of blockchain, as well as running an extracurricular activity on NFT and blockchain for all students who want to attend.